i was going to write another woe-is-me entree but i totally lost my train of thought after reading the rest of my buddy list's away messages.
i snapped at our puppet lady in rehersal today. i was sore, i was hungry, i was tired, my arms and back hurt, and she was telling me to slow down my movments. as if that were like a simple thing that i could do. if the handle for the dragons head were at the center of gravity point, maybe, but as it is now it's about as center of gravity as holding a 1 gallon pitcher upright, but instead of the handle being up and down, it's side to side and your knuckles grind up against the pitcher. uch! it's such an ass wipe! RAWR! but i am so stubborn and stuck up that i refuse to give up that part cause that would mean she would play it, and she wouldn't do it as well as i could, and she really annoys me cause she seems like she should really be a 3rd grade teacher, rather than the assistant director/narrator for a college show. and i LIKE doing puppets! i am TOTALLY INTO THAT! i SO dream of like running off to LA and sneaking my way into ardeman animation or henson's studios and working there and stuff. but i reserve my right to complain about ass wipes telling me that i should be doing my puppetry 3 feet off the ground during an experiementation rehersal where i was just showing little things i could do and not expecting to do the whole thing over and over in full form after 2 hours of rehersal and dinner 4 hours ago. give me a fucking break, lady. you try doing that in my situation. so FUCK OFF!
i'm really not an angry person in general... *puppy eyes*
i think thats very much a typical characteristic of my family... or at least we daughters. we have the combination of my dad's patience and knowing when to pick your battles, and my mom's "BARK!"
*snarl* "RAWR! RAWR! RAWR!". (that makes more sense in my head/talking to you in person because then i'd be able to perform that and throught this demonstration, you would know what i ment). so as a result, we don't (usually) lash out when were in a frustrating situation (aka, 6 hours at fry's, annoyance from a friend, a puppet lady telling you to move slower),
oh! i totally remember what i was originally going to blog! i've been clenching my jaw a lot recently. like i won't conciously do it, but i'll find myself kinda noticing my jaw muscles are kinda tired and sore... cause i'd been clenching my jaw for who knows how long before i realize it. *sigh* i'm just not dealing well. and i really don't want to go to 60A tomorrow morning, but i really should cause there was some change to the syllabus and i should at least go to the first half of class, even if i dodge out in the break and go crash at porter for a while. i should really find out if melyssa finds my "5th roommate"-ness annoying or not, cause i'm always there... like not really doing anything but just acting like i live there when i don't, which was kinda the same thing i did last year but she's new so i have no idea if she's comfy with it or not. anyway, back to what i was saying before...
...but we totally like rant and scream and jump pound things in frustration and for emphisis when we retell the story. it's the emotions we were containing at the time just breaking through in their rennactment state.
i have to pee