Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


so now i have a cold sore coming in. why? who knows. possible theorys...
1) stress of feeling useless and shit like that, lack of job, lack of purpose. etc. my dad offered that josie's job could use more volunteers so i might go down to san jose and do that for a while, seeing how john is going to LA for a month so my companion who is often as bored as i am won't be around to help pass the time. *sigh* and being in san jose would mean i wouldn't have my bedmate nearby :( still thinking about it.

2)getting over a viral disease may be triggering other viral diseases within me to pop up... literally... during the school year when i was getting over a cold occasionally a cold sore would come up

3) wind burn. i got to ride on the back of a certain someone's motorcycle yesterday. jonathan officially hates me. anyway, it was great. after we got pizza we just drove over to the safeway on el camino and got hagen daas ice cream bars and then rode over to the fountain at stanford. we then had to run from the cops... cause we were probably in a place where motorcycles weren't allowed. but luckily we saw the patrol car at the barrior and as they were getting out to lower the middle cylander thing we gathered our stuff and bolted. we then went and pestered neil at his house. it was wonderful, i was so fearful that his mother was going to answer the door and his mother is terrifying... but luckily we caught neil and hung out in his room for a while. it was wonderful. well except for the fact that john discovered the ticklishness of my feet and neil refused to help me and instead took a picture. grr. but anyway, so we were riding around a bunch and the helmet he lent me didn't have a face sheild. but he doesn't even use his, he just lets his eyes water and the tears stream back over his face, which was eventually what i resolved to doing. we then came back to benn's house and benn showed off his shiny new titanium g4 powerbook (*drool*) and burned john a cd of some choice mp3's, some of these *i* didn't even know benn had on his computer (namely many a muppets song) and some how john and i ended up discussing improv and stuff (he apparently was one of the starting people of humor force) it was cool. it was a nice do nothing evening. and in the end i got to cuddle with benn :D which is of course the best part *griiiin*

and now i really need to shower and organize a couple things in benn's room before we go to beppo's tonight with j and people
Quoth the Raven  # 5:52 PM
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