Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


well, my knee now has a spectacularly purple bruise on it and i feel like i pulled my hamstring. not sure if the two are related or not, tho it does feel like i might have gotten some muscle bruising in there cause my knee is kinda tight when i bend it.

marcy's going to check out the house today. i was going to come with but it sounds ilke they're planning more of a day thing and going to the beach and stuff, so benn wouldn't be able to come cause theres to much shit to do and i'd kinda rather stay cuddled up next to him :) problem is i am now pretty damn wide awake. grr. nothing like a phone call that forces your brain to turn on to ruin your sleeping in.

went shopping yesterday. benn needed pants. so we braved stanford shopping center and had us an afternoon. i had washed my hair and it was poofy and curly. it's REALLY LONG. like oh my god. i don't think i've been fully appreciating how long my hair is. i know this makes no sense to the lot of you but flipping my head, combing it through with my fingers while it's still wet (wow, gotta love herbal essense moisterizing conditioner. i don't think i've been able to do that in years for too many knots forming) flipping it back... little curls all through my hair goind down past my shoulders. dude, indescribable, i didn't know what to do with it, i was just amazed. i don't think i'll cut it till end of summer. then i can cut off ten inches and it'll be shoulder length. i like it flowy. i remember when i had my bob cut how it would poof out and then just cut off and it looked very much like it had the potential to be huge and flowy, but it was too short. not enough hair. probably would have looked better if i had feathered it more. *shrug* it was really cute when it was wet tho. totally flapper girl style! i loved it! i probably could have slicked it down with gel or something, but no, that'd get icky real quick. plastic or chalaqued (however you spell it, we're being creative here) can only be tolerated by oneself and those around you for so long. it's just, why waste so much money trying to make it something it's not. i mean, maybe for days you want to dress up or something, but it's tiring and kinda wastful of the specialness to make every day a dress up day. i think thats why i save make up and hair products for random occasions, cause doing it everyday wouldn't make it as special. the thrill of it would wear off really quickly. :-/ my tummy's getting meh, so i'll stop rambling for now.
Quoth the Raven  # 11:24 AM
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