Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


i've broken out my ani cd again :) i'll try to restrain from posting every single song lyric on it. i need to get me more music.

my interenet has been being funky recently, and i go to fix it today and low and behold it works. odd. ("go" as in set my mind to fixing it, not taking it to anyone really) i hope it stays fixed. it annoys the fuck out of me when it doesn't work. *sigh* ah computers.

i was playing pool in the porter lounge last night, not really winning or losing too many, watching tv, lounging, etc. wait thats not the begining... oh yes! i participated in a bitchfest last night, it was delightful. we couldn't really find a stable location so we were kinda wandering around a bunch. first to susan's room, then morgan's then over to blakes room where we kidnapped him as our token boy, and then went to derek's room and hung out and bitched and talked and got silly, but then we got kicked out by the boys for poker night. morgan and susan tried to steal a cherry coke, which turned into a far more physical struggle than it needed to be :D ah what we'll do to get in physical contact with each other. i wasn't as huge a participant in all of the above as i make it sound. i was kinda low on my medication and waiting for it to kick in. but it was still amusing. when blake finally got the coke back he held it in the air and said "alright, i'll give it to the best kisser..." and i was really tempted to test out my abilities and i probably would have had i been in a different mood and if susan weren't trying to seduce blake and i didn't want to make complications in that. anyway so we then wandered over to the dinning hall to catch tresha after she finished rehersal and i talked to morgan for a bit while we were waiting for that to happened and explained my old situation with bryy and jonathan and my boys in highschool in general and got delightfully giggly talking about how cute and sweet benn is, and once again got worked up about katy stealing my thunder and emotional about seeing jonathan again. i'm doing better with the whole situation but recounting the story just brings up the emotions that were happening at the time again and it was hard. so then they got into singing folk songs and playing heart and soul on the piano so i wandered over to the lounge and played a bit of pool and did a bit of reading and stuff, aka what i wrote at the begining of this paragraph. and around 10:30 sean, alan, and ian bring in the nightmare before christmas on dvd (cue much jumping up and down and giggling on my part, which in the middle of a pool game is not the best for one's concentration on shots) so we watched that. i heart that movie so much. i ended up leaning on ian cause i needed a shoulder to rest on cause i was tired and cause i needed someone or something to sqeeze during the happy exciting parts. must... see... more... tim burton... so yeah, then i came home and watched tv for an hour or so in the lounge here and then played much frustrating pinball on my computer, broke out the ani cd, switched to solitare for a while, went to bed :)

workshop today with the travelling jewish theatre people who are performing for the santa cruz arts and lectures series. fun stuff. reminded me of the ashland people. mostly because the only workshop things i've done have been with ashland people. *really wants to be in ashland right now* benn and i should go up to san francisco this weekend
Quoth the Raven  # 5:34 PM
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