Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


NADINE: a minor "oooooo....."

i just realized that i am completely devoid of wild party music- WAIT! no i'm not! i have the lachiusa version on tape in my tape deck. but that really doesn't count. well, yes it does. but i am completely devoid of wild party CD'S in my room. my lippa one is with josie cause mr capron gave it to her and i have not yet reclaimed it, and one of these days when i go on my CD shopping spree i am going to get the other one along with hedwig and snatch and the liza manelli caberet and things like that. probably get some dave mathews and goo goo dolls cds i lost like 3 years ago and still haven't replaced. *shrug* either that or blank cds and give them to people with cd burners and the cds i want and point and say "burn"... yeah... if it weren't the 00's, that would sound like a satanic curse of some kind. ah gotta love technology

so while i'm procrasitnating, i might as well tell the story of the guy in line at bj's who looked kinda sort familiar and started talking to me so i started talking to him as well and all the while i was thinking "do i know this guy?" but not really wanting to ask that outright so i just asked like "what college you at?" and "where have i seen you again?" and after talking to him and his friends for a while, well no, more like after being introduced to his friends who joined the conversation and intorduced themselves to me (department of redudancy department) i said "he just started talking to me. why was that btw?" "i dunno. you were there." "... yes i tend to do that often" " what, just be there." "sure" ::other person:: "that and the trenchcoat" "yeah, definitly the trenchcoat" "and the hooded sweatshirt thing under the trench coat. its a look" "do you get talked to often because of the trench coat" etc. anyway, it was a truely bizzare experience mostly because of the dream last night where i was comparing myself to a (non existant, it was in my dream) simpson's episode where lisa was like on a water jet thing and was draging a fishing line behind her, and she ended up catching like 7 whales and a cruise line, and i looked at that image and said, "thats me. i'm perfectly content with my water ski and yet i some how get 7 whales and a cruise line attached to me." see, in my dream i was at like a house or a party or something, and like all these people were like falling in love with me and i was feeling really ackward about that cause i was with benn, he wasn't there, but i was still going out with them, and then like brad pitt and edward norton were there and like i actually got to heavy flirting with edward norton and kisses him on a giggle, and later i was stressing to a friend about how brad pitt wanted to sleep with me, and i just flet like i had 7 whales and a cruise line trailing behind me and i didn't know what to do with them. cause like it's really flattering when whales attach themselves to you, so you feel guilty cutting them loose but at the same time... they're whales! dude! it jsut can't be done! you're not allowed to have 7 whales following you!

anyway, made a new friend tonight, i need to go study now. ah yes, and dick tracy was on tnt, or tbs, or something like that. i want that movie now.

i'm gonna love you like nothing you've known.
i'm gonna love you and you all alone...

Quoth the Raven  # 3:33 AM
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