Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


you know what. what happened this morning was NOT the start of world war three. what the fuck did castilleja tell you guys. yes, it's scary and sureal and weird, but we CANNOT pass judgment RIGHT NOW what our future is. go with the flow, and hope for the best.

(now people do not take the following seriously. i am really blowing steam because i'm just so fucking amused how the two castilleja student entries about the "crisis" in america are so fucking similar. it's almost as if whatever this asembly was acted as a mass brain washing and it's all gone down hill from there. *sigh*

so please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just read CNN.com articles! get the facts! stay as well informed as you can, but at the same time notice when each and every news reporter on the story is describing it in an overly dramatic matter using the words "tragic" "monsterous" etc. every other word. this is called influencing public opinion. i'm not saying that they're WRONG and we should really just take this whole thing LIGHTLY, i'm just saying, step back, look at this moment in history. how are future generations going to judge these reactions? CALM... DOWN...

the first rule in the hitchhikers guide to the galexy: DON'T PANIC...)

*aileen screams and rants aimlessly.* First off people, we don't TRUELY know who orchestrated it. congressmen are ANONAMOUSLY pointing fingers to terrorist organizations in the middle east. Every FUCKING COUNTRY in the WORLD is sending messages of condonement and sympathy. the problem with terrorist activity is it is INDEPENDANT of GOVERNMENT. we will QUITE LIKELY go into a state similar to ww2 segregation camps if a specific ethnic group of people is foundd responsible. it's quite likely that we'll have SOME sort National Security project will go into action. but at the same time LOOK AT WHERE YOU LIVE! LOOK AT WHO YOUR FAMILY IS! THINK SMALL SCALE, OR YOUR MIND WILL EXPLODE! RAAAAAAAWWRR!!! *runs about beating up poloticans and people*

Quoth the Raven  # 3:00 PM
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