Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


WARNING: extremely long fucking post. (no, not THAT kind)

there was such complicatedness with getting home. i took the bus 22 from mountain view, and said i would call dad when i was near downtown so he would pick me up down the street. my cell phone runs out of batteries. i borrow the-guy-sitting-across-from-me's cell phone but apparently dad guessed that my phone was low so he had left by the time i called. i get to 13th, and my dad is not there. something be wrong. i walk down a block or two till i find a payphone and try dad's cell. no rings, and it connects to the answering machine. so i call home, and mom says she'll come pick me up, but we are both very confused at what happened. so we cruse about a bit seeing if he was down the street or what. i try using her cell phone to call dad again, and holding the phone to my ear i don't hear any rings. so i try calling home. no rings. i think i might be holding the phone the wrong way. OH WAIT mom has the little hands free earpiece connected to it. after that happy discovery i try dad's phone again. turns out he thought i was getting off at 2nd street, the transit center. why the hell would i get off at the transit center? oh well, it was 1:30 in the morning, who could blame him. the whole night was a little adventure.

ok, so i did go see grease. i got there late even, because my quick shower was not so quick, and ate nothing but a granola bar before i got there, and it was the wrong cast. i wanted to cry. so anyway, i sat through the second act cause i was too polite to leave and it would involve walking over people, and during intermission, i LUCKLY found ingrid and robert, who were the people i wanted to see! anyway, after bemoaning having come to the wrong show and telling the story of why i was there even tho i can't STAND grease (and this was a bad production on top of that. good singers, but too much crappy dialogue in between) with emphatic hand gestures, i said i was going to walk down to le boulonger because i could not stand that show on an empty stomach (a phrase that my friend carla laughed muchly at) and walked off after intermission was over. le boulonger was closed. RAWR!! so i walk and realize the only cheap food place that was open and near by was kfc (puke) but i was hungry and needed SOMETHING. i managed to hold it down, thank the lord. got back to the show in time to see "there are worse things i could do" which was fairly good.

meet and greet was fun and exciting. ingird was saying, "damn, you know EVERYONE" "oh, i get around...". see, there was a girl from my synagogue, two from castilleja, one from copa, and a bunch of gunn people in the audience. i met the "gracen dejesus" guy. i met lots of people actually. i really got around. it was so much fun. i was hanging out with ingrid and robert, then robert's mom offered a ride to the board walk (food place) so i was in the car with robert and daniel (brothers) and gracen and this guy Will, who was a friend of daniel's. we get there and ingird robert and i sit at a table and this guy lauren (i think, i don't really remember) who we were talking with during intermission (he is the one who said i make ingrid look calm) but then "typical teen" girls were gathering around so ingrid and i slipped off to the table with daniel and will. at that table i met this guy eric and fiona. i thought i knew fiona, but she wasn't whom i thought. anyway, eric and i were at basically the same level of hyperness, and it was in general a really really fun table. after he declared he could quote any movie (damn, i should have seen if he knew "living in oblivion") i said i could sing his musical ass under the table. and he with the help of his girl come up with the most damn obscure musicals like "star wars, the musical". i should have seen if THEY knew the songs from that show. but yeah, he was cool, and he thought i was cool too.

then this guy mike (?) joined, who's a dancer guy and he's choreographing a production of "a little night music". i slammed my hands on the table and leaned forward in excitement. but broke into giggles explaining it was one of my favorite shows, hence the *does motion again*. eric: wait, hence the what? *does motion towards him* uh, run that by me one more time. then it turned out none of them actually knew the plot. i know the plot. i had to tell a story. we had to scoot back and make room for the hand gestures. however we got distracted 3 or 4 times by random things, which made it seem like the plot was much longer than it, was. well, you know what? it's a sort of french comedy, and adult musical, written by sondheim. of course it's going to be long. after that it broke into total sillyness. he started in with the "knock knock. who's there. interrupting cow. interrupting cow.. MOO" jokes. he knows good ones. i failed at doing the interrupting fish tho, cause i did the fish thing late, so it really wasn't interrupting *hangs head*.

he has freaky hands, his fingers can pop out of their joints. he couldn't touch his pinky and index finger or roll his tongue in multiple loops. so i shared my freaky shoulder things, like clasping my hands in the opposite thing and then putting my head through the loop. hard to explain, but they were tripped out. so then i said, "wait wait, i need a little more room to do this next one" i get up on my knees on the seat to clasp my hands from under and over my shoulders on my back. they said "aw, anyone can do that" at seeing that trick. then i got out of it. it was such a wonderful display of performance timing!

then we degraded into pure silliness. ingrid had to leave tho, so i think she missed us trading back and froth really really stupid jokes. from the helicopter joke to the necrophiliacs, and i topped it off with the scotsman at the bar joke. eric had heard it, but fiona hadn't so i told it to her (eric commented i did the accent well) but HE had heard it with "you fuck one goat" instead of "sheep" and i say "NO NO NO!! it HAS to be sheep cause it goes with the *slips back into accent* why to scotsman wear kilts?" "why" "cause sheep can hear zippers" and the combination of my inflection and timing got them just rolling on the floor, it was SO wonderful. he bowed down to my superiority with jokes. it was fabulous.

Quoth the Raven  # 5:34 PM
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