Heals The Original Dryness

Heals The Original Dryness

i am no longer a faerie

it was not vanity that drew her to the mirror;
it was the amazement at seeing her own "I."
-the unbearable lightness of being


so much bloggin' to do

first: i'm finishing off the sorbet. it's time to go to the supermarket again.

second: i think age is relative, i'll explain in a bit.

third: i've been useing this more and more as a sort of journal thing, which is ironic. it seems to be easier to write on myself on the computer, but easier to write analytically, aka essays, by hand. maybe i just hate microsoft word...

fourth: i just had a very long conversation with andrew, interesting boy that i met through liz whose been calling and talking to my sister for long periods of time, which causes us to dub him "talkative guy"... he likes me. if i'm interested in an older guy i should call him up. i sing (as i always do) and he ORGASMS. this is odd and bizzare. i have this guy that really reminds me of adam, chloe's pathetic clingy boy, in how he talks and how he's just vague and giggly about sex stuff, yet he's passionate and poetic about love... and if he orgasmed when i was singing, how long had he been aroused? why does he tell me these things? i'm liberal and open minded but i just wasn't expecting THAT... oh God... jonathan, i need you... uch, he means no harm, i'm just disturbed about what sort of emotional comitment he's going to put on me... but he has his cello, he doesn't need women. he's just using this as a growing/learning experience and taking it for what it will teach him... i don't like how he's so instantly analytical. just take experiences as they are, refect later... be more like me... jonathan i need a hug... i'm being way too paranoid about this. if i want to just stay friends, we'll just stay friends. i have that power and control over my life. he's got a crush on me. he finds me interesting. it's flattering, not my problem...

*sings* for the sun will rise, and the moon will set, and you learn how to settle for what you get. it'll all go on if we're here or not, so who cares. so what. so, who cares. so what...
Quoth the Raven  # 12:46 AM
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